Our "Pinterest" Board - Classroom Considerations
1 Overall Aesthetic & A Large Space to Gather: Babalis. J., 2013, Havergal College, Toronto. This is an image of a kindergarten classroom in Toronto. It showcases how a consistent aesthetic can be visually appealing and inviting. This space also includes a large group meeting place at the back of the class. On the window there is pedagogical documentation of an inquiry that is currently in progress and below the window there is a co-constructed number wall. The neutral colours throughout this class bring an overall sense of calm. It also allows students to focus their attention on the materials in the centers as opposed to the decorations around the room . 2 Co-construction of Anchor Charts and Reference Materials Pereira. J., 2013, Queen of Heaven School, Milton. This image is a picture of a co-created number line. It was made by students with support from the educators in the classroom. The children were able to contribute to this project in a meaningful...